Kat Brancato

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Personal Goals for the Year 2024!

It’s that time of year again. It’s time to figure out what your goals for the year are. Do you have some in mind, or do you need some inspiration to switch things up a bit? I hope to achieve many things this year. But remember, even if you fall short, that’s okay! As they say, shoot for the moon, and if you miss, you will still land upon the stars!

Top 24 Goals for the Year

So let’s dive into my list of yearly goals to fire you up for the new year. You can pick a couple or all 24!

1. Create a morning routine

A morning routine can help you start your day off on the right foot. Start with a simple morning routine, and then add to it if you like.

For instance, practice positive affirmations while you have your coffee, journal for five minutes, do a minimal skincare routine, and take a short walk. It doesn’t have to be elaborate, just something to set you up for a great day!

2. Create a bedtime routine

One of my goals for the year is to create a bedtime routine, and if you don’t have one, maybe give it a try. It’s so easy to watch t.v. too late, or be on our phones right up until bedtime. However, according to Dr. Richard Shuster, clinical psychologist, this can be “detrimental to one’s ability to fall asleep.” So it’s important to turn off the electronics a bit before you plan on hitting the sack!

Establish a bedtime routine to help set you up for a good night’s rest. Perhaps take a bath before bed, read, do some bedtime yoga, or try some relaxing breathing techniques.

3. Practice mindfulness

We live in a non-stop world. So much so that days, weeks, heck, even months pass, and we don’t even really realize it. That’s why practicing mindfulness is one of the most important yearly goals to try.

Mindfulness is described as “The awareness that arises from paying attention, on purpose, in the present moment and non-judgmentally.”

Are you present? Or are you like me rushing through tasks constantly? Make it a goal to try to practice mindfulness every day.

4. Declutter Your Life

This year I want to become a minimalist. I have decided that less truly is more and that the less crap I have, the less I have to do, which results in more time for things I love!

So it’s time to declutter our lives! Physical clutter, digital clutter, emotional clutter, all of it has to go. If you need help getting started, check out my “Decluttering Questions” post and grab the free decluttering checklist too!

5. Journal Daily

Journaling is so therapeutic. You get to spill out all of your thoughts, emotions, worries, cares, or whatever else is stirring your soul onto a pad of paper (or a word document-haha).

Journaling also has health benefits! It reduces stress, improves immune function, boosts your mood, and more. So be sure to make daily journaling one of your goals for the year. Check out these cute notebooks in my Simplicity & Sunshine Shop!

6. Do something you enjoy every day

I suffered from severe Adrenal Fatigue back in 2017, so I was recommended the book “Adrenal Fatigue: The 21st-Century Stress Syndrome” by Dr. James L. Wilson.

In the book, he advises doing something you enjoy every day. I believe this to be some of the best advice I have ever received. Life is short, so take time out every day to do something you love. Whether it’s sitting outside, being with your fur-babies, dancing, taking a drive, whatever. Just take the time.

7. Take a staycation

If you’ve never taken a staycation, it should totally be one of your goals for the year. Of course, traveling is amazing, but sometimes you just need to unplug from it all or even just do things around your hometown.

Check out these staycation ideas to enjoy your town like a tourist!

8. Take a trip somewhere new

In addition to your staycation, if possible try to take a trip somewhere you have never been before.

We all have our favorite vacation destination but this year, why not try to take a trip somewhere new? What’s on your travel bucket list that you may be able to afford to go to? Expand your horizons and explore the unknown.

9. Try a new hobby

A great yearly goal is to try out a new hobby! Maybe step out of your comfort zone if you dare. Try out painting, bird-watching, paddleboarding, gardening, or something else you love or have always wanted to do. Hobbies are fantastic for helping you find joy and can even reduce stress!

10. Forgive someone

Forgiving someone can be tough, especially if you are still feeling hurt. However, after watching people pass before they had a chance to reconcile and see that regret in their eyes has been enough to make me realize it’s time I start letting things go.

You never know if someone will be here tomorrow, so take the opportunity while you still have it to forgive.

11. Go outside every day

Getting outside can make you happier and healthier! It boosts your mood, lowers stress, and you get some natural Vitamin D. Set a dedicated time every day to get outside and soak up some sunshine. Take a walk or simply sit on your porch. Whatever you feel is most therapeutic for you.

12. Appreciate the little things

There are so many things to be thankful for. Learning how to appreciate the little things is vital to a more enjoyable life. Do your best to slow down, be present, and take in the little moments that matter the most!

13. Tackle your finances

If you haven’t started tackling your finances yet, now is the time. Make it easy on yourself by picking a simple budget method, finding easy ways to save (Try a savings challenge like the “Save a latte” challenge), and working towards your money goals.

14. Take time out for more self-care

I’m super bad at putting myself on the back burner, especially when it comes to taking time out for self-care. So one of my goals for the year is to take time out daily for some form of self-care.

Even something simple is better than nothing. If you tend not to take time out for yourself, then make self-care one of your yearly goals!

15. Get healthy and fit

Have you seen Rebel Wilson lately? She dedicated 2020 as her year of health, and she looks fantastic! More importantly, she says she feels better and is healthier.

I bought the Mayr Method book but need to implement it. However, I started just one of its principles and noticed a difference with just that. It sounds kind of crazy, but you chew your food 40–60 times before you swallow it!

I’d like to start this method and use mindful eating and exercise to finally get healthy and fit and feel good about myself. So if you’ve wanted to get healthy for a while, make this your year of health and do it the right way.

16. Have more experiences

What’s one of the best yearly goals you can set for yourself? Have more experiences! It can be something as simple as taking a hike somewhere new or trying out ziplining for the first time.

Try a new experience once a week or once a month and see how much more you enjoy your life.

17. Limit social media and phone time

Social media can cause more harm than good if you are not careful. Seeing your feed filled with bad news, conflicts between friends, and constant ads pushing you to purchase more stuff you don’t need can leave you feeling stressed and unhappy.

So limit how often you check your social media profiles. Also, make it a goal to spend less time on your phone. Try to be present and stop constantly turning to technology to fill the space in your schedule.

18. Start Hygge Living

I have recently discovered Hygge Living, and I LOVE IT! The Hygge Lifestyle is practiced by the Dane’s, and they are some of the happiest people in the world Hygge is about creating a cozy atmosphere and enjoying the good things in life.

So light some candles, grab a good book, and snuggle up for a Hygge evening.

19. Practice positive affirmations

I had no idea how powerful positive affirmations were until I stumbled upon Kristin Hemstetter’s amazing book “Coffee Self-Talk!”

Practicing positive affirmations can change your life. In fact, studies show that there is MRI evidence that “certain neural pathways are increased when people practice self-affirmation tasks.”

How cool is that! I highly recommend Kristin’s book; it will help you learn how to create custom affirmations to achieve the dream life you want!

20. Quit procrastinating

Whoa, this is a big goal for me this year. I am a professional procrastinator! So I am going to try to pick three tasks a day to focus on to quit putting things off that I need to get done.

This way, it’s not so much that I just shut down and quit. If you are a fellow procrastinator, join me in the three tasks a day challenge to overcome putting things off!

21. Drink more water

Drinking enough water is essential to good health. It “lubricates joints, protects sensitive tissues, and keeps you hydrated.” Plus, it can help you feel fuller if you drink a glass of water before eating your meals. Get a fun bottle you can carry with you, so you stay hydrated all day.

22. Trade a bad habit for a good one

Bad habits can be hard to break. So rather than focusing on dropping your bad habit, try to switch it out with a good one! For instance, if you are trying not to drink as much caffeine (ugh, I know), you can focus on swapping it out with decaffeinated tea or water.

Find fun ways to swap out your habits so it doesn’t feel like such a chore to make changes.

23. Simplify your schedule

Try simplifying your schedule, rather than trying to do a million things and feeling bummed when you can’t get it all done. I’m the queen of mile long to-do lists and feel disappointed if I don’t get everything done. So, focus on three important tasks per day, and have a rolling list that you can carry over so you aren’t so overwhelmed.

24. Reduce stress

This can be tough to do, but it’s essential to your health. (I’m also talking to myself here.) Stress can lead to health problems such as high blood pressure, heart disease, and diabetes.

Find ways to eliminate stressors if possible and activities that can help reduce the amount of stress you have such as deep breathing, yoga, or talk therapy. If you feel stressed but unsure why, try journaling to reveal what’s bothering you so you can take steps to address it.

Get started on your goals for the year!

Even if the new year passes and you haven’t started on your goals don’t get discouraged. You can start new goals any time you want.

So don’t get fret if you miss the mark. All you have to do is start! Remember, it’s easier to break your big goals down into smaller goals, so be sure to check out my post “How To Set Weekly Goals To Accomplish Anything!”

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