Kat Brancato

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7 Self Care Practices to Start Right Now

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I have to admit I never thought I'd see a pandemic, especially one that would confine us to our homes for weeks or even months.  In my article "The Coronavirus: How to Turn a Curse into a Blessing," I talk about amazing things you can do to enjoy the given time you have at home. One thing that can help your mental state is taking time for Self-Care. We get so caught up in our busy lives that most of us put ourselves on the back-burner and don't get to make time for much-needed rest and relaxation.

Here are 7 Self-Care Practices you can start right now.

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  1. Take a Relaxing Bath

You may have noticed your muscles are tense, and you are feeling fatigued.  Stress can cause muscle tension and fatigue. According to this Healthline Article, Dr. Bobby Buka states, "Your skin releases endorphins in response to the soothing warm water the same way that endorphins are released when you feel the sun on your skin."

You can add things like Epsom Salts, Ginger (depending on your skin tolerance), and even slices of oranges, limes, or lemons to your bath.You can enjoy yourself by putting on relaxing jazz music, lighting some candles, and rolling up a towel to support your head for additional comfort. This is a great way to ease tension, relax, and take it easy.

2. Journal Your Cares Away

Journaling is my favorite self-care practice. My acupuncturist told me to journal first thing in the morning. She said to write unedited and pour out everything onto that piece of paper that was making me anxious, happy, mad, whatever. She said you must get it out or you internalize it. This was some of the best advice I've ever had.

Your journal is for you and you alone.I enjoy typing and writing in a pretty notebook. Pick the one that is easiest for you and write every single day-it is therapeutic and cleansing, in my opinion. You can even make a gratitude journal to help you appreciate all the wonderful things you are thankful for. 

3. Do Yoga

Yoga has amazing physical and mental health benefits. By practicing Yoga you can:

  • Increase Flexibility

  • Tighten & Tone Your Body

  • Improve Respiratory & Cardiovascular Health

  • Lose Weight

  • Reduce Stress & Anxiety

Be sure to start slow and increase as you improve your flexibility. The best thing is you can practice Yoga in the comfort of your own home. Check out Yoga with Adriene for amazing workouts!

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4. Give Yourself a DIY Facial

You don't have to go to the spa to start a fantastic skin-care routine. Your skin can see amazing benefits from facials such as treating acne and blackheads, tightening your skin, detoxing your skin, and prevent aging. Not to mention, it feels fabulous! Check out this Comsmopolitan's 5 Easy Step DIY Facial!  

5. Meditate 

There is a reason we've been told to take a deep breathe when we are nervous or upset. According to studies, the practice of meditation and deep breathing can reduce psychological stress. I use the 4-7-8 breathing technique, and it works. I feel less tense in my body, my mind seems to slow down, and I feel less stressed. This is my experience, of course, everyone is different, but it does seem to help me relax. 

6. Take a Nap

I don't know why I was so reluctant to do this as a kid, but I have to take naps now. Our bodies and minds are on overload lately, and sometimes we just need to take a break and take a nap. According to Sleep.org, napping can help you recharge, reduce stress, and improve your mood. They advise napping during 1:00-3:00 pm when blood sugar levels and energy levels tend to drop. Another great reason to relax and get some much-needed Z's!

7. Soak Up Some Sunshine

Personally, Sunshine majorly impacts my mood. It affects it so much I'm seriously considering moving back south. Taking the time and going outdoors to soak up some sunshine is a massive self-care practice. Sunlight increases Vitamin D, which leads to a boost in mood, lower blood pressure, stronger bones, and even better sleep. So grab your sunglasses and head outdoors!

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Take Advantage of Extra Time

Sometimes it is hard to see the rainbow through the clouds, but you can use your extra time to your advantage. Maybe it's time to get a little needed R&R and even find some fun hobbies to try while you're home. Check out my 7 Hobbies to Reduce Stress & Have Fun article on Medium for ideas!              

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